Terms and Conditions

For informational purposes only, no warranties. No legal consequence.
Choose the Czech language version for the official version.

  1. These general business conditions of the company PPC Production s.r.o., IČ: 06261264, with its registered office in Korunní 588/4, Praha 2, 120 00, entered in the Commercial Register held at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 279014(hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”) governs the mutual rights and obligations between the operator and the customer arising from the contract of carriage of passengers (hereinafter “contract of carriage of passengers”) concluded between the operator and 3 person (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”)
  2. Customer means a natural or legal person with whom the company PPC Production sro concludes a contract for the transport of persons, on the basis of a previous order, either via the website https://prague.boats , via e-mail: info@beerboatsprague.com or on the telephone number of the dispatch center: +420 731 740 347.
  3. Agrees to the general conditions.
  1. All information about the availability of our services and the possibilities of free dates for the services of PPC Production s.r.o. are non-binding and without any possibility of guaranteeing them.
  2. If the customer has any requests beyond the services listed on our online magpies relating to his reservation, he may make them by e-mail info@beerboatsprague.com, or by phone: +420 731 740 347, but no later than 48 hours before the ordered date.
  3. Prices for individual services, routes and everything beyond the scope of the Operator’s regular offer are charged individually, based on the customer’s demand.
  4. Changes by You: In case you book by e-mail, any changes to the original booking must be confirmed by email by the person submitting the booking. Whilst every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate changes and the additional requests, availability cannot be guaranteed.
  5. Changes by Us: While PPC Production sro will use its best endeavours to operate all tours as advertised, by entering this contract the Client accepts that it may prove necessary or advisable to vary or modify a tour itinerary or its content due to prevailing local conditions. The PPC Production sro reserves the right at any time to cancel or change any of the facilities, services or prices described in the advertising, and to substitute alternative arrangements of comparable monetary value without compensation and accepts no liability for loss of enjoyment as a result of these changes. If a major change becomes necessary PPC Production sro will inform through the webpage the Client as soon as reasonably possible if there is time before the tour date. The definition of major change will depend on the individual tour and circumstances.
  6. Cancellation by Us: PPC Production sro reserves the right to cancel a tour in any circumstances but will endeavor to avoid this unless absolutely necessary.
  7. Travel Insurance: Clients together with their personal property including baggage are at all times solely at their own risk. Clients are wholly responsible for arranging their own insurance. Clients making their own arrangements should ensure that there are no exclusion clauses limiting protection for the type of activities in their tour.
  8. Age, Fitness and Participation: Prague Boat tours suit outgoing and energetic people. All Clients are expected to satisfy themselves prior to booking that they are fit and able to complete the itinerary of the tour. Prague Boat reserves the absolute right to decline a booking at their discretion. Clients agree to accept the authority and decisions of Prague Boat s employees, drivers, bartenders, tour leaders, and affiliates whilst on tour with us. If in the opinion of such person, the health or conduct of a Client before or after the departure appears likely to endanger the safe, comfortable or happy progress of the tour, the Client may be excluded from all or part of the tour. On Prague Boat tours large quantities of alcohol are often consumed. All clients are responsible for their own safety and well-being. Prague Boat does not encourage any clients to engage in any dangerous activity or to drink excessively. Prague Boat cannot accept any responsibility if the client drinks too much or engages in dangerous activities and suffers injury, illness, death, loss or damage as a result.
  9. Czech Laws and Behaviour: All participants in tours operated by Prague Boat are expected to obey Czech laws and regulations and any failure to do so will relieve Prague Boat of all obligations that they may otherwise have under these booking conditions. Any damage to the bike itself and attachments of the bike or losses caused by a Client is the responsibility of the Client. Full payment for any such damage or loss must be paid on the spot directly to the accommodation owner or manager or other suppliers. If the Client fails to do so, the Client will be responsible for meeting any claims (including legal costs) subsequently made against Prague Boat as a result of the Clients actions. Prague Boat expects the Client to have consideration for other people. If in Prague Boat’s opinion, any Client behaves in such a way as to cause or be likely to cause danger, annoyance or distress to any third party or damage to property, Prague Boat is entitled, without prior notice, to terminate the tour of the Client concerned. In this situation, the Client concerned will be required to leave the tour. Prague Boat will have no further responsibility towards the Client. No refunds will be made and the Prague Boat will not pay any expenses or costs incurred as a result of the termination.
  10. Illness or Disability: Anyone suffering from illness or disability or undergoing treatment for any physical or medical condition must declare the true nature of such condition at the time of booking and make arrangements for the provision of any medication or other treatment required during the tour. Failure to make such disclosure will constitute a breach of these booking conditions and result in such persons being excluded from the tour in which case all monies paid will be forfeit. This will not prevent the Client from participating in the tour but will enable Prague Boat to take additional precautions for the Client’s safety and enjoyment at such times as may be appropriate.
  11. By the time you order your first drink on the tour, you must be of legal age set down by Czech Law in order to purchase and consume alcohol.
  12. Our Responsibilities: The tours operated or supplied by Prague Boat have been designed to provide participants with an exposure to the true nature of the environment visited and therefore involve an element of potential risk and exposure to potential hazards. All bookings are accepted on the understanding that such risk and hazards are appreciated by the Client and that they undertake all tours at their own will.
  1. Payment for services performed by PPC Production s.r.o. can be made in the following ways. – By transfer to the account on the basis of the issued invoice. Cash on the basis of a signed contract on passenger transport
  2. We accept payments in Czech crowns or in Euros
  3. Upon confirmation of the reservation, the customer is obliged to make a deposit of 50% of the total price of services.
  4. Payment via PayPal: Any fees PayPal may apply to the transaction will be disclosed by PayPal and are covered by the customer.
  5. Online platby pro nás zajišťuje platební brána ComGate. Poskytovatel služby, společnost ComGate Payments, a.s., je licencovaná Platební instituce působící pod dohledem České národní banky. Platby probíhající skrze platební bránu jsou plně zabezpečeny a veškeré informace jsou šifrovány.
    • Platba on-line platební kartou – Nejrychlejší způsob zaplacení online. Do rozhraní platební brány ComGate zadáte číslo karty, datum platnosti a CVC kód – tři čísla, která najdete v podpisovém proužku na zadní straně karty. Vše je zabezpečeno standardem 3D Secure, a tak budete nejspíš požádáni o zadání číselného kódu, který obdržíte SMSkou od své banky
    • Platba rychlým příkazem – Okamžitá platba prostřednictvím internetového bankovnictví. Platební brána ComGate vás přesměruje do vašeho internetového bankovnictví, kam se přihlásíte jako obvykle a zde potvrdíte už připravený platební příkaz.

Po dokončení platby budete přesměrováni zpět do obchodu. Platba je potvrzena okamžitě, budeme bez odkladu pokračovat v realizaci objednávky.

  1. The contract is concluded on the basis of a previous order and confirmation of the required time by PPC Production s.r.o.
  2. The contract may be concluded electronically or in writing. PPC Production sro Korunní 588/4, 120 00 – Praha 2 IČO: 06261264, DIČ: CZ06261264, Registered in the Commercial Register kept at the Municipal Court in Prague in Section C, Insert 279014  https://prague.boats  tel: +420 731 740 347 e-mail: info@beerboatsprague.com
  1. PPC Production s.r.o. is the sole distributor of its services and cannot be pre-sold or offered without prior written consent.
  2. Under no circumstances is the customer entitled to pre-sell these services or offer them to third parties for profit.
  3. If the situation described in points 5.1. Or 5.2 occurs. PPC Production s.r.o. is entitled to refuse to provide a service that is already reserved, without the right to any compensation from the operator.
  4. The company PPC Production s.r.o. may impose a penalty on the customer of ten times the value of the transaction.
  5. All prices on https://prague.boats  include VAT.
  6. It is forbidden to take your own drinks on the boats of PPC Production s.r.o.
  1. In case of canceled confirmed order less than 96 hours, before the ordered date, the Customer is obliged to pay a cancellation fee of 50% of the price orders.
  2. In case of cancellation of the confirmed order less than 48 hours, before the ordered date, the Customer is obliged to pay a cancellation fee of 100% of the order price.
  3. In the event of any damage or pollution of the boat by the customer, the customer is obliged to pay the cost of repairing the boat in full.
  1. PPC Production s.r.o. in no case shall it be liable for damages / losses caused by death, injury, accidents, loss, damage or theft caused by the Customer, before or during the order.
  2. If the Operator cannot meet its obligations to the Customer on the basis of force majeure, in part or in full, the Customer is not entitled to any compensation from PPC Production s.r.o.
  3. Force majeure means: war, danger of war, demonstrations, prohibitions and restrictions by national and foreign institutions, serious disasters, fires, strikes, defects or damage to equipment and operating systems, transport bans / strikes, floods, lockouts and sabotage, in general, all unforeseen circumstances in the country or abroad that could hinder PPC Production sro in fulfilling the obligations towards the Customer arising from the Contract.
  4. The company PPC Production s.r.o. is not responsible for vouchers or contracts signed with our sellers, agencies, travel agents and portals that sell us.
  5. All complaints about orders and deadlines are governed by these conditions.
  1. All information about customers is in accordance with applicable laws of the Czech Republic, especially with the Personal Data Protection Act No. 101/2000 Coll. as amended by later amendments and regulations.
  2. The customer agrees to the processing and collection of his personal data in the seller’s database. The customer has PPC Production s.r.o. Korunní 588/4, Praha 1, 110 00, IČO: 06261264, DIČ: CZ06261264, Registered in the Commercial Register kept at the Municipal Court in Prague in Section C, Insert 279014https://prague.boats  tel: +420 731 740 347 e-mail : info@beerboatsprague.com the right to access your personal data, the right to correct them, including all legal rights to this data. Personal data can be removed from the database based on a written request from the customer. Personal data is fully secured against misuse. The operator does not pass on personal data, no other personally. An exception is made by external carriers to whom personal data are provided to the minimum extent necessary to transport customers and comply with the operator’s contract.
  1. The relations between the Operator and the Customer are governed by the legal regulations of the Czech Republic. Any disputes will be decided by the competent court. With a possible complaint, the customer can turn to supervisory or state supervisory authorities. And all this, even if the Customer does not carry out his trade, business, in the Czech Republic, but has a permanent residence there.ç
  2. All disputes that could arise on the basis of these terms and conditions, the contract between PPC Production s.r.o. and a Customer who does not carry out his trade, business and does not operate his business and does not live permanently in the Czech Republic. They must be submitted to the relevant district court in Prague, or at the request of PPC Production s.r.o. before another competent court.
  3. Any complaints about the services offered by PPC Production sro or its operation are reported to the email address info@beerboatsprague.com
  4. In the event that any of these articles of these General Terms and Conditions becomes invalid, in whole or in part, the rest of the General Terms and Conditions remains in force. In such a case, the Contracting Parties have agreed to enter into another contract, or only an addendum to this contract on invalid passage. This agreement must comply with the intentions of the Contracting Parties.
  1. Tyto všeobecné obchodní podmínky společnosti PPC Productions.r.o., IČ: 06261264, se sídlem Korunní 588/4, Praha 2, PSČ 120 00, zapsané v obchodním rejstříku vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 279014 (dále jen „Provozovatel“) upravují vzájemná práva a povinnosti mezi provozovatelema zákazníkem vzniklé na základě smlouvy o přepravě osob (dále jen „smlouva o přepravě“) a smlouvou o průvodcovských službách (dále jen „smlouva o průvodcovských službách“) uzavírané mezi provozovatelem a 3. osobou (dále jen „Zákazník“)
  2. Zákazníkem se rozumí, fyzická nebo právnická osoba, se kterou Provozovatel uzavírá smlouvu o přepravě osob a smlouvu o průvodcovských službách, na základě předchozí objednávky, buď prostřednictvím internetových stránek www.praguecycleboat.com, prostřednictvím e-mailu: info@beerboatsprague.com, nebo na telefonním čísle dispečinku: +420731740347.
  3. Potvrzením závazné objednávky Zákazník souhlasí se všeobecnými podmínkami.
  4. Obchodní podmínky jsou kdispozici na internetových stránkách www.praguecycleboat.com, nebo je možné zaslat na základě požadavků zákazníka.
  1. Veškeré informace o dostupnosti služeb a možnostech volných termínů na poskytnutí služby Provozovatelem jsou nezávazné a bez jakékoliv možnosti jejich garantování
  2. Pokud má zákazník jakékoli požadavky nad rámec služeb uvedených na našich internetových strakách, vztahujících se k jeho rezervaci, může je vznést prostřednictvím e-mailu info@beerboatsprague.com, nebo telefonicky: +420731740347, nejdéle však do 48 hodin před objednaným termínem.
  3. Ceny za individuální služby, trasy a vše nad rámec běžné nabídky Provozovatele, je účtováno individuálně a to na základě poptávky daného zákazníka.
  4. Veškeré ceny uvedené na našich internetových stránkách www.praguecycleboat.com, jsou uváděny včetně DPH, které činí 21%, dle platného obchodního zákoníku České republiky.
  1. Platba za služby poskytnuté Provozovatelem může být prováděna těmito způsoby:
    • Převodem na účet na základě vystavené faktury;
    • Hotově na základě podepsané smlouvy o přepravě osob a smlouvy o průvodcovských službách.
    • Online platby pro nás zajišťuje platební brána ComGate. Poskytovatel služby, společnost ComGate  Payments, a.s., je licencovaná Platební instituce působící pod dohledem České národní banky. Platby probíhající skrze platební bránu jsou plně zabezpečeny a veškeré informace jsou šifrovány: https://www.comgate.cz/cz/platebni-brana
  1. Smlouva se uzavírá na základě předchozí objednávky a potvrzením požadovaného času Provozovatelem
  2. Smlouvu lze uzavřít elektronicky, nebo písemně.
  1. Smlouva se uzavírá na základě předchozí objednávky a potvrzením požadovaného času Provozovatelem
  2. Smlouvu lze uzavřít elektronicky, nebo písemně.
  3. Smlouva se uzavírá současně se smlouvou o přepravě. nelze ji uzavřít samostatně.
  1. Provozovatelem je výlučným distributorem svých služeb a bez předchozího písemného souhlasu je nelze přeprodávat, nebo nabízet.
  2. Zákazník není za žádných okolností oprávněn přeprodávat tyto služby, nebo je nabízet třetím stranám, za účelem zisku.
  3. Nastane-li situace popsaná v bodech 6.1. nebo 6.2., je Provozovatel oprávněn odmítnout realizovat službu, která je již rezervovaná, bez nároku na jakoukoli kompenzaci ze strany provozovatele.
  4. Provozovatelem může Zákazníkovi uložit sankci ve výši desetinásobku hodnoty objednané služby.
  1. V případě zrušené potvrzené objednávky méně než 96 hodin před objednaným termínem je Zákazník povinen uhradit storno poplatek ve výši 50% z ceny objednávky.
  2. V případě zrušení potvrzené objednávky méně než 48 hodin, před objednaným termínem je Zákazník povinen uhradit storno poplatek ve výši 100% z ceny objednávky.
  1. Provozovatel v žádném případě nenese odpovědnost za škody/ztráty způsobené smrtí, úrazem, nehodami, ztrátou, poškozením nebo krádeží způsobenou Zákazníkem před uskutečněnou objednávkou, nebo v jejím průběhu.
  2. Pokud nemůže Provozovatel dostát svým závazkům vůči Zákazníkovi na základě vyšší moci, částečně nebo celkem, nemá Zákazník nárok na právo jakékoli kompenzace ze strany Provozovatele.
  3. Vyšší mocí dle odstavce 8.2. se rozumí: válka, nebezpečí války, demonstrace, zákazy a omezení národními a zahraničními institucemi, závažné kalamity, požáry, stávky, závady nebo škody na zařízeních a na operačních systémech, přepravní zákazy/stávky, povodně, výluky a sabotáže, všeobecně veškeré nepředvídatelné okolnosti v tuzemsku nebo i v zahraničí, které by mohly bránit Provozovateli ve splnění závazků vůči Zákazníkovi.
  4. Provozovatel nenese odpovědnost za vouchery, nebo smlouvy podepsané s našimi prodejci, agenturami, cestovními kancelářemi a portály, které jeho služby přeprodávají.
  5. Veškeré reklamace objednávek a termínů, se řídí těmito podmínkami.
  1. Veškeré informace o zákaznících jsou vsouladu splatnými zákony České republiky, zejména se zákonem o ochraně osobních údajů č. 101/2000 Sb. ve znění pozdějších dodatků a předpisů.
  2. Zákazník souhlasí se zpracováním a shromažďováním svých osobních údajů vdatabázi prodávajícího. Zákazník má právo přístupu ke svým osobním údajům, právo na jejich opravu, včetně všech zákonných práv k těmto údajům. Osobní údaje je možné na základě písemné žádosti zákazníka odstranit z databáze. Osobní údaje jsou plně zabezpečeny proti zneužití. Osobní údaje provozovatel nepředává, žádné další osobně. Výjimku tvoří externí dopravci, kterým jsou osobní údaje poskytovány v minimálním měřítku, které je nutné k přepravě zákazníků a dodržení smlouvy provozovatele.
  1. Vztahy mezi Provozovatelem a Zákazníkem se řídí právními předpisy České republiky. Případné spory bude rozhodovat příslušný soud. S případnou stížností se může zákazník obrátit na orgány dohledu nebo státního dozoru. A to vše i za předpokladu, že Zákazník nevykonává svoji živnost, podnikání, na území České republiky, ale má zde trvalé bydliště.
  2. Všechny spory, které by mohly vzniknout na základě těchto obchodních podmínek, smlouvami mezi Provozovatelem a Zákazníkem, který nevykonává svoji živnost, podnikání a neprovozuje svoji obchodní činnost a trvale nežije na území České republiky, musí být předloženy příslušnému okresnímu soudu v Praze, nebo dle přání Provozovatele před jiný příslušný soud.
  3. Jakékoli stížnosti na služby nabízené Provozovatelem, nebo na jeho provoz se oznamují na emailové adrese info@beerboatsprague.com
  4. V případě, že jakýkoli tento článek z těchto Všeobecných podmínek se stane neplatným, a to zcela nebo částečně, zbytek Všeobecných podmínek zůstává v platnosti. V takovém případě se Smluvní strany dohodly uzavřít další smlouvu, nebo jen dodatek této smlouvy o neplatné pasáži. Tato dohoda musí splňovat záměrům Smluvních stran.

This privacy statement was last updated on December 7, 2022 and applies to citizens and legal permanent residents of the European Economic Area and Switzerland.

In this privacy statement, we explain what we do with the data we obtain about you via https://pubcrawl.cz. We recommend you carefully read this statement. In our processing we comply with the requirements of privacy legislation. That means, among other things, that:

  • we clearly state the purposes for which we process personal data. We do this by means of this privacy statement;
  • we aim to limit our collection of personal data to only the personal data required for legitimate purposes;
  • we first request your explicit consent to process your personal data in cases requiring your consent;
  • we take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and also require this from parties that process personal data on our behalf;
  • we respect your right to access your personal data or have it corrected or deleted, at your request.

If you have any questions, or want to know exactly what data we keep of you, please contact us.

If you change your mind about granting permission to use cookies, you can Revoke consent


We may collect or receive personal information for a number of purposes connected with our business operations which may include the following: (click to expand)


For this purpose we use the following data:

  • A first and last name
  • An email address
  • A telephone number
  • IP address

The basis on which we may process these data is:

Upon the provision of consent.

Retention period

We retain this data upon termination of the service for the following number of months: 6


Our website uses cookies. For more information about cookies, please refer to our Cookie Policy.


We disclose personal information if we are required by law or by a court order, in response to a law enforcement agency, to the extent permitted under other provisions of law, to provide information, or for an investigation on a matter related to public safety.

If our website or organisation is taken over, sold, or involved in a merger or acquisition, your details may be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchasers and will be passed on to the new owners.

We have concluded a data Processing Agreement with Google.


We are committed to the security of personal data. We take appropriate security measures to limit abuse of and unauthorized access to personal data. This ensures that only the necessary persons have access to your data, that access to the data is protected, and that our security measures are regularly reviewed.


This privacy statement does not apply to third-party websites connected by links on our website. We cannot guarantee that these third parties handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. We recommend you read the privacy statements of these websites prior to making use of these websites.


We reserve the right to make amendments to this privacy statement. It is recommended that you consult this privacy statement regularly in order to be aware of any changes. In addition, we will actively inform you wherever possible.


If you have any questions or want to know which personal data we have about you, please contact us. You can contact us by using the information below. You have the following rights:

  • You have the right to know why your personal data is needed, what will happen to it, and how long it will be retained for.
  • Right of access: You have the right to access your personal data that is known to us.
  • Right to rectification: you have the right to supplement, correct, have deleted or blocked your personal data whenever you wish.
  • If you give us your consent to process your data, you have the right to revoke that consent and to have your personal data deleted.
  • Right to transfer your data: you have the right to request all your personal data from the controller and transfer it in its entirety to another controller.
  • Right to object: you may object to the processing of your data. We comply with this, unless there are justified grounds for processing.

Please make sure to always clearly state who you are, so that we can be certain that we do not modify or delete any data of the wrong person.


If you are not satisfied with the way in which we handle (a complaint about) the processing of your personal data, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Data Protection Authority.


Party Provider s.r.o.
Korunní 588/4, Vinohrady, 120 00 Praha 2
IČO: 02245001